Hey all, I am Joshua Snow, a North Carolina Born Upstate New Yorkian who now lives in Moab, Utah. I got into photography about 6 years ago when I was writing articles for a coarse fishing magazine, mostly macro, boring stuff. I was also pretty overweight, and as a means of losing that weight, my girlfriend and I started hiking the waterfalls and gorges that upstate New York is well known for, and that’s how I became obsessed with photography. My first love is waterfalls, its where I started and the sense of self I feel when photographing them is unparalleled, but a close second is night photography, followed closely by landscape photography!

I ended up in Moab as the result of a photo trip I took in the spring of 2016 that left me sort of lost and empty upon my return, so I needed to get back to find the lost part of me, and I am still looking! Now I work full-time, and am balancing photography nearly full time, leading night and landscape workshops and online tutorials.
I recently spent 9 days along the PNW, in Oregon, Washington, and Nor Cal. Most of that time was spent in and around the Columbia River Gorge, photographing the waterfalls I had dreamt about for years. It was a surreal and inspiring trip that resulted in some of my most favorite images to date.
I am the type of person to immerse myself in whatever I am doing and give it all of me, down to my cells, I live and breathe it. I am always planning my next adventure and will hopefully soon be leaving my day job to really chase my dreams!!!
Joshua Snow